
14 recent cases selected, summarised and delivered at 6 am each morning, along with the latest legal news and articles. Includes an online index with cases categorised under topics and sub-topic levels. An easy to use search function with fast results. Large collection of cases on all topics, summarised according to the FIRAC method. An unmatched case law experience. Read more.
Substantial discounts for multiple users.
Contact Soyeon at soyeon@louiscaselaw.com
Why Spartan Caselaw?
The traditional law reports model has remained pretty much unchanged since the provincial reports started in 1828. Before the Constitution and before emails and the internet, it was okay to get your printed law reports book once a month, browse through it and then feel that you were up to date on case law. A full set of law reports, especially a bound set, gave an impression of knowledge and gravitas. And many counsel could quickly pull a volume from the shelf and turn to the pages of one of the well-know authorities.
That’s not good enough anymore. With our Constitution and the abundance of legislation and social and economic issues in modern-day South Africa, our courts are busier than ever. There is a massive amount of important judgments being handed down in the various courts on all issues A-Z. Which is why Spartan Caselaw carefully selects and summarises recent cases for our daily updates and we package them in an interactive and easy to read platform online. We also include the latest legal news, articles and updates.
Lawyers tend to be change resistant and we often get told, “I don’t need your case law service” or “I’m far too busy and I don’t have time to read all that case law every day.”
But once they actually try the service, they realise what they have been missing out on, as legal practitioners and officers of the court. And they see how crisply we summarise cases in an adapted FIRAC style. And they see how easy and quick it is to assess the day’s new cases and to decide which ones to read. And just how fast and interactive our platform is. After that, these same lawyers have their coffee ready each morning at 6 am and are eagerly awaiting their daily dose of interesting case law. Knowledge is power.